This Ruthless World

Adventures in absurdity

Archive for the month “September, 2017”

Run It Like A Business, Part 1: The Myth of Valuable “Business Experience”

Louis Alexandre Eustache Loursay, "Les Incroyables" (1975)My sincerest hope for the eventual aftermath of the Trumpist era is that we can finally put to bed the ludicrous notion that career businessmen make good statesmen for no other reason than  their business experience.

I imagine far-off future students of history chuckling at our era, when a big chunk of the country lost its goddamned mind and came to believe that wealth and self-serving dealing alone were the most desirable traits in a political leader; when people who were knowledgeable about their jobs were scoffed at; when the prior President’s experience in public service was invoked as a slur, as if being an actual public servant is a character flaw that should irreparably disqualify one from the Presidency.

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